Save the internet!
We are the 5th of July Foundation and we have come to save the internet.
Our tools provide security, privacy and liberty to the people of the world, giving them the power to take back the internet from spying governments.
Remember, remember, the 5th of July
On 5th of July, 2012, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the First Resolution on Internet Free Speech.
This resolution on “the Promotion, Protection, and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet” stated that “the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online”.
We couldn’t agree more.
But among the 71 nations that signed the resolution, several are repressing free speech and spying on their citizens, thereby violating the very human rights that they officially “promote and protect”.
The 5th of July Foundation was founded to hold governments accountable for the beautiful words in the resolution they signed, and to provide concrete tools that help internet users enhance their security, privacy and liberty.
Politicians talk. We act.
We provide tools for internet security, privacy and liberty
We keep track on the state of the internet worldwide
News in English
Former Pirate Party chief of staff in the European Parliament, Henrik “HAX” Alexandersson, edits our international news blog (currently on a hiatus).
News in Swedish
Our Swedish news site Femte juli keeps a critical eye on internet politics in Sweden and provides summaries of worldwide news stories.
Our Swedish podcast is where we discuss internet politics in depth, as well as report from international events and interview awesome internet personalities.
We sponsor internet activists and dissidents
The 5th of July Foundation may be a small player internationally, but we do what we can to enhance internet freedom according to the UN resolution.
We continuously sponsor dissidents and activists around the world with free VPN accounts, to let them circumvent government censorship and surveillence. We do not reveal in detail which institutions we have sponsored in this way.
If you think we should sponsor you or your institution with free VPN access, get in touch:
We burn for freedom of communications
The foundation’s backers are spread across countries and generations, but have in common a strong commitment to internet freedom. In addition to our public associates listed below, we work with a small group of dedicated technicians.
Karl Andersson
Executive Director
Oscar Swartz
Founder and Chairman
Jon Karlung
Founder and Board of Trustees
Andreas Norman
Founder and Board of Trustees
Wilhelm Dahlborn
Board of Trustees
Love Ekenberg
Board of Trustees
Postal mail:
5 juli-stiftelsen
c/o Oscar Swartz
Box 549
101 30 Stockholm